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Tumor evolution proceeds at a rapid pace. Drug development does not. In order for cancer therapy to achieve a durable response over years rather than months, it must “evolve” as quickly as the tumor does. We develop software solutions that enable data-driven, clinical, decision-making by providing oncologists and specialized tumor-boards with patient-specific genomic information. Executing this mission will rely on a long-term synergy between various evolving perspectives on tumor populations and on an interdisciplinary effort to sharpen these perspectives. We are seeking talented individuals to lead research projects in exciting, new directions:



Moffitt Cancer Center is the top-ranked NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center in the Southeastern US. The IMO department at Moffitt integrates mathematicians, computer scientists, and physicists together with evolutionary biologists, geneticist and imaging specialists as well as clinical and experimental oncologists to better understand, predict and treat cancer.

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